There is no better way to have an immediate impact on Knox than to make a gift to The Knox School Annual Fund. Annual fund gifts go to work each year, every day for our students and faculty.
Your annual contributions enable the School to meet expenses not covered by tuition and endowments. Through The Annual Fund, we continually invest in resources and programs that provide current Knox students with a rich educational experience and opportunities that lead them to reach for their personal best. Unrestricted gifts are valued as they go to work immediately in the areas where they are needed most.
Strong annual giving provides the School with the solid financial foundation necessary to launch special projects that will assure the strength of Knox in the years ahead. Although every gift is valued, there are benefits and privileges associated with gifts made at a leadership level.
If you have questions regarding Annual Giving opportunities and the various donor benefits and privileges, please contact the office of development at

Ways to Give
Most gifts to The Knox School come in the form of personal checks and credit card payments. Such gifts entitle donors to a charitable income tax deduction subject to limitations established by the IRS. All checks should be made payable to “The Knox School.” To make a gift to The Knox School click here. For more information please contact the office of development at
Donors who wish to contribute to the annual fund or a specific campaign, but do not wish to make an immediate payment, may make a pledge. A pledge is a promise to make a specific payment within the fiscal year pledged or the campaign counting period. All naming opportunity pledges must be satisfied over a three-year period. Pledges can be made by mail, email or telephone. For more information please contact the office of development at
Recurring Gifts
You may become a Sustaining Donor to Knox by making arrangements with your bank to have a monthly or semi-monthly gift sent directly to the School. You may also give the School permission to make a monthly charge to your credit card. Many of our donors enjoy knowing that they are providing continual support to the School and its programs through their recurring gifts. For more information please contact the office of development at
Making a gift of securities is both simple and tax efficient. Gifts of appreciated stock may allow a donor to avoid a capital gains tax in addition to receiving a charitable income tax deduction for the fair market value of the stock. If the securities are held by a bank or broker, please send a complete letter of instruction (donor’s name and address, full description of the certificate and purpose of the gift) to the bank or broker with a copy of your letter to Knox. In your letter, please direct your bank or broker to contact the Development Office at 631-1600. The School will inform the bank or broker that the preferred means of transfer is via Depository Trust Company (DTC), an electronic transfer system. This method allows Knox to put your donated funds to work more quickly and to realize savings on commissions, thus making your gift more beneficial to the School. The gift of securities is not complete until you, and your transfer agent have delivered the securities to Knox. Please note that merely instructing your transfer agent to complete the transaction is not enough to satisfy IRS legal requirements. For more information please contact the office of development at
Knox accepts gifts-in-kind if they can be used in support of the Mission of the School. Such gifts may include but not be limited to horses, athletic equipment, technology needs, facilities equipment and installations, crew shells, theatrical costumes and properties, etc. These gifts can also be in the form of inventory given through businesses owned by donors. For more information please contact the office of development at
Real Estate
A residence, vacation home, farm, acreage or vacant lot may have so appreciated in value through the years that its sale would mean a sizable capital gains tax. By making a year-end gift of this property instead, you would avoid the capital gains tax, and, at the same time, receive a charitable deduction for the fair market value of the property. For more information please contact the office of development at
Matching Gifts
If you, or your spouse or partner, work for a company with a matching gift program, please complete and return the company’s matching gift form with your gift. Doing so can double, and in some cases, triple the value of your gift. For more information please contact the office of development at
Planned Giving and The Mary Alice Knox Society
Philanthropy is the lifeblood of our school. Giving in support of Knox for today and for the future, has an enormously positive impact on our ability to serve our students, support our faculty, enhance our programs, and make our facilities the very best they can be. People who participate in planned giving to a school like Knox tend to be passionate about a great cause and visionary in both the manner in which they want to give and in how their giving will have an important, long term impact on the institution. As members of The Mary Alice Knox Society, for The Knox School, you are committing to join an elite group of supporters who see the impact of their contributions long term. For more information, please contact the office of development at

What is Planned Giving and
How Can I support?
Planned Giving allows donors to make creative arrangements between the donor and the school, allowing you to support the school while receiving tax deductions and even creating an income stream that can benefit you or loved ones. These gifts are called “Planned” because they involve an arrangement between the school and you. They require planning and counsel so that both parties receive the maximum long-term benefit from the gift. Some typical planned gifts include:
Types of Planned Gifts
- Charitable Gift Annuity
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Charitable Lead Trust
- Donor Managed Investment Account
- Pooled Income Fund
- Retained Life Estate
- Testamentary Life Income
Assets as Gifts
There are many kinds of assets that you can give in the realm of planned giving. Among them are:
- Securities
- Business Interests
- Cash
- Life Insurance
- Real Estate or Personal Property
- Retirement Plan